Catalyst is excited to announce the award-winning site, SmartStart, now extends to 6 years of age, parents can now access information throughout toddler and preschool years.
The New Zealand Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) is leading the way in providing digital services focused on – and titled – Life Events. The premise of all of DIA’s new digital resources is to make sure all Kiwis know what they are entitled in a clear and accessible manner.
The site brings together information from the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Social Development, Well Child, Plunket and more.
SmartStart now includes useful information about:
• Nutrition
• Healthcare
• Mental Health
• Development
• Education
• Financial information
Catalyst has been collaborating with DIA to build useful resources for Kiwis since 2016.
Becky Cassam, Life Events Services Manager at DIA, said “I feel incredibly privileged to release our expanded content and design into SmartStart. This will help support parents who are experiencing the joys and challenges of parenthood. It’s a pleasure working with Catalyst, they are committed and focussed on delivery for their clients and New Zealanders quality products both from a visual design perspective and technical mastery.”

Take a look at the Catalyst and DIA Life Events team! Our partnership with DIA is founded in an ongoing commitment to collaborate. If you haven’t already, check out Te Hokinga ā Wairua – End of Life to help you prepare for your own death or cope with someone else’s and Whetūrangitia for bereaved parents.